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New Yorkers taking theirtypical post-brunch Ubers are in for a floral treat courtesy of Marc Jacobs. The brand announced today on Instagram that it’s partnered with the car service to give out free rides all day to promote its Daisy fragrance. We’ve teamed up with @Uber_nyc today to give you free rides around the city (with gifts, too!) ??? Open the @Uber app, select promotions and enter the promo code MJDAISY to ride between 12-6pm in a #MJDaisy daze. ? A post shared by Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs) on Mar 26, 2016 at 6:55am PDT — Continue Reading BelowEach ride also comes with free gifts. After creeping on the #mjdaisy hashtag, it looks like riders are getting complimentarybottles of Daisy perfume , bouquets of springtimeblooms, and some funky, flower shades to match. ? @marcjacobsfragrances x @uber_nyc is picking you up in daisy covered cars today | enter #MJDAISY and it comes with perfume! A post shared by Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat) on Mar 26, 2016 at 8:24am PDTIf freebiesaren’ttempting enough jensarentzen , the backseat is decked out in a floral wonderland just waiting to be your next Instagram post. Bloggers like Danielle Bernstein of We Wore Whatand celebrities like Olivia Culpoand Justine Skyhave already snapped their pics. The perfect way to get around NYC in a #MJDAISY @marcjacobsfragrances @uber_nyc TODAY ONLY in NYC– Use code MJDAISY for your ride!! ? A post shared by Olivia Culpo (@oliviaculpo) on Mar 26, 2016 at 8:10am PDT — Continue Reading Below Today, we’re putting the petal to the metal. Enter promo code MJDAISY to request a free @marcjacobsfragrances #MJDaisy ride for you and a friend to go to your favorite springtime destination, + a bottle of MJ Daisy that’ll put you in a spring daze. Details linked in profile. A post shared by Uber NYC (@uber_nyc) on Mar 26, 2016 at 9:59am PDTFrom: Harper's BAZAAR US
Marc Jacobs and Uber Are Giving Away Free Rides and Gifts in NYC Today
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