West Loop Community Center Petition
What is really happening:Local west loop residents want to limit the supply of housing to inflate the value of their own property. canada goose uk Some community center will ensure that no new units will canada goose outlet washington dc be made available and the center itself will increase property values in the area.I can speak for an entire canada goose outlet germany neighborhood, but I support the idea of a community center because it canada goose outlet in canada something I canada goose outlet phone number can use. The only canada goose outlet ontario other argument I make is that I don want something super tall so I can see the skyline from the park, as it was designed for. Bonus points if other people can use it.As someone who works in the West Loop, the community center should be made available to all Chicago residents, not just those who live in the West Loop.Comments made at that meeting about renters led Burnett to say in July that he thought the West Loop was starting to become «a bigot neighborhood.»»When I left that meeting, I canada goose outlet online uk felt that [some residents] canada goose outlet us were canada goose outlet canada very discriminatory against [renters]. I felt bad that there was people sitting in that room that rent. You don actually recognize that you are talking about canada goose outlet locations in toronto people in the meetings. I thought it was wrong, I thought it was bad, and I tell you. canada goose outlet store uk it turned me off,» Burnett later said.I completely believe his statement about rude remarks being made about renters at the last meeting. canada goose outlet uk fake It really no surprise that people around here would look down on those who rent canada goose outlet store toronto like they are lesser than them. Because if you rent, it means you just don make enough money to qualify as human! (even though a lot of renters make more than people who own)As someone who lives in this area, attended the last meeting, and am planning to attend tonight, I completely disagree with his comment about people in the meeting being discriminatory towards renters. It just the try this site Alderman trying to stir the pot and generate attention.No one in this area cares if people rent. The closest the commentary got was people saying those who own typically stay in canada goose outlet vancouver the neighborhood longer, and I do canada goose outlet in montreal not disagree with that at all. I would say the major gripes are 1) putting a tall https://www.canadagooseoutletcanada.ca building, regardless of what it is blocks the skyline view from the park. 2) Installing a building backing up to the property on Monroe creates a safety hazard to the existing balconies. 3) canada goose outlet black friday sale The law states you cannot rezone a lot strictly for financial gain, and the developer has not provided a reason other than financial gain.That meeting aside, I personally argue against putting rentals in as there are many tall canada goose outlet store montreal rental buildings already in this area, and are not even close to capacity. Arkadia is mostly empty, Gateway just opened up and is empty, and we were told at the meeting that more tall rental buildings were to be built canada goose outlet florida along Halsted.Maybe I canada goose clothing uk being selfish, maybe not, call me a NIMBY, but I honestly don want homes to go in either, strictly because I already live here and would prefer something that I can use on a regular basis. I not opposed to a community center, but would probably prefer something along the lines of a library.Either way, it has been very eye opening to see how vocal the community gets on either side. The Alderman really rubbed me the wrong way during the last meeting, as he was trying to push the meeting along so he could go watch the Blackhawks (game 1). I get it. We all want to watch the cup, but your job is to listen to your district, canada goose outlet seattle but then has the nerve to call us bigots and practically argue that «renter» is a racial comment.
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